Today's find was going to take a lunchtime effort. I had an evening meeting for work between five and seven and didn't want to be potentially be caching in the dark. Instead, I made my way out at lunch to search for a multi about three miles from the office. It was low risk. I had found quality caches before hidden by the hider. It was a small at a park. What could go wrong? For starters, as I pulled into the parking lot of the park, I realized stage one was a skirt lifter about 30 feet from the picnic pavillion. The pavillion was filled with moms and toddlers attending what appeared to be a mommy lunch. Undaunted, I looked around and spotted an area at the far end of the park. It looked like a great area to stash a second stage. After the walk over, it took a minute or two before stage two was in hand. Stage three coordinates were entered in the gps and I was off to find the stage.... which was a second skirt lifter at the corner of a parked city services truck complete with two city employees enjoying lunch in the truck. :-( What was there to do besides take a walk in the woods at the other end of the park? I left the park with no find, but a nice walk.
I grabbed the find for the day with a micro at a small park about a mile away. To avoid muggles, I had to check my email while sitting on a rock about 30 feet from a mother and daughter enjoying a game of tennis. The nice flower below was from the park with the multi. Lunch didn't turn out as planned, but the find was made and a walk in the woods enjoyed.