"When you go to hide a cache, think of the reason you are bringing people to that spot.
If the only reason is for the cache, then find a better spot."
.... Briansnat


Saturday, October 24, 2020

Cloud 9 Visit

 In the 1960's Cloud 9 was a small amusement park located on Mount Herman in Olean New York.  Dave w/o id has hidden fourteen caches on the land now owned by the city of Olean.  There is a 15th cache hidden in the area by another hider.

The caches are given high terrain ratings with a trail that takes about three hours to complete.

There are some great views

And some interesting old pieces of the Cloud 9 past.

If you're looking for yet another Fizzy grid, this series will fill a few.  There are a few interesting and creative hides mixed in.  Start your journey here.

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