I would need to work to bring my caching success in Monterrey to 50%. I am able to hunt a find on a couple trips a year, but the chances of a cache still being there is slim. Still the opportunity to hike the trails and visit the mountains is the real reason for getting out.
Usually by Thursday, the sky over Monterrey is heavy with smog. This week there was no rain to clear out the skies, but they were unusually clear giving a great view of the city on the rise from parking. Maybe the area is seeing an industrial downturn from the upcoming recession which has lowered production and given clearer skies. I was out for an evening hike with my local engineer and happy for the perfect weather.
It was an evening for dragonflies.
We were talking about how many stars can be seen from some of the mountainous areas to the southern part of the state. He had mentioned a couple local parks had observatories including the one we were visiting. I had noticed there was a cache on the path we were following. We eventually reached the cache coordinates and the observatory! It was not open for the evening, but made for a great coincidence.
We searched for the cache and came away without a find, but the journey was worth the evening spent. Maybe we can look again during a future hike.
Translated: The mountain calls you