We always do a memorable cache for one of the thousands. We try to do the same for the 500's and the 100's. Sometimes it even works with my travel schedule. ;-) Today everything worked. The weather was perfect for a visit to the amazing Oil Creek State Park. We had always counted the old Benninghoff Cache as a favorite so it seemed logical to return to the area and hunt the newly placed Benninghoff Ridge View. The cache is located on part of the 36-mile Gerard Hiking Trail. Near the cache site, there is a nice view of the valley below. This stretch includes a walk through a portion of the old oil field area that has been restored with wooden derricks. As you walk the hill there is still some faint evidence of the hundreds of oil wells that used to cover the landscape here. As an added treat to a special day, we found one of the Oil Creek-Kennerdell coins in the cache. The Oil Region is placing 1,000 of these coins in random caches in the area. It is a nice coin, and it's trackable. :-) It is a super memento for us.
Happy International Lego Day
1 day ago